BenchGroup< S > Member List

This is the complete list of members for BenchGroup< S >, including all inherited members.
addBench(Benchmark< S > *bench)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
addVal(const S val) (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
BenchGroup() (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
getMaxRuntime() const (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
getRepeats() const (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
getWarmup() const (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
mBenches (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [protected]
mMaxRuntime (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [protected]
mRepeats (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [protected]
mVals (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [protected]
mWarmup (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S > [protected]
run(BenchFormatter &formatter) const BenchGroup< S >
setMaxRuntime(const double d)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
setRepeats(const unsigned i)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
setWarmup(const unsigned i)BenchGroup< S > [inline]
~BenchGroup() (defined in BenchGroup< S >)BenchGroup< S >